2007年7月18日 星期三

7.18. 搖滾密碼

Screamin' Jay Hawkins,1956年終於以一首"I Put A Spell On You"
走紅. 這首歌,有數不清的藝人曾經改編或翻唱過.我最喜歡的是
C.C.R.跟Nina Sinone的版本,不過, Screamin' Jay Hawkins的表演
Screamin' Jay Hawkins.本名Jalacy Hawkins.他加上”Screamin'”
你是不是會想起Alice Cooper,還是Kiss,甚至Marilyn Manson…?
沒錯, Screamin' Jay Hawkins真算得上是這一派的”老祖宗”.
Screamin' Jay Hawkins誕生於1929年今天,2000年2月12日去逝.

"I couldn't sing that well until I went to a place in Nitro, West Virginia"
HAWKINS recounts, "There was this big, big, huge, fat lady there... just
allow your mind to roam free when I say fat. Glutton, beast, obese. The
woman made the average elephant look like a pencil, that's how fat she
was.And she was spy! She mas downin' Black and White scotch and Jack
Daniels at the same time, and she kept lookin' at me. She says:" Scream
baby ,scream Jay " I said to myself you want a name well there it is "


“I’m one of the old ancient still alive vampires but more or less from the
werewolf witchery and sorcery days. I would say in all sincerity, if you
really wanted to know the truth, I would say I’m what you would call a
good witch. There are bad witches but there are also good witches.” “I’m
enjoying life. I think life is beautiful. as a matter of fact, I love this world.
It’s just the people in it that drive me crazy,” he says. “Just because I like to
eat raw chicken’s feet while they’re walking, there’s nothing wrong with me.”,

讀完,你是否跟我一樣忍不住地笑, 呵呵.. Screamin' Jay Hawkins是各很

YouTube找到Screamin' Jay Hawkins大約是很晚期的舞台表演
"I Put A Spell On You," 當然.跟早期他自己的表演舞台效果是不能比的.
還有,Nina Simone也有小段的表演,也感覺很珍貴.
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put A Spell On You

Nina Simone - 'I Put A Spell On You'. (1968)
